Can I hire someone to do my marketing?

Yes, you can hire someone to do your marketing through several options:

Hiring Options

  1. Freelance Marketers
    • Hourly rates: $50-$100 per hour
    • Monthly retainer: $1,000-$3,000
    • Platforms: Upwork, Fiverr, MarketerHire, Advisable
  2. Digital Marketing Agencies
    • Offer multiple marketing professionals
    • Provide scalable solutions
    • Access to diverse skill sets
    • More stable working relationships
  3. Specialized Platforms
    • MarketerHire
    • Traktion
    • Hire Digital
    • Advisable

What to Consider When Hiring

  • Specific marketing needs (B2B, product, brand marketing)
  • Specialization in successful marketing channels
  • Experience and track record
  • Budget constraints

Average Marketing Service Costs

ServiceMonthly Cost Range
Social Media$900-$20,000
Email Marketing$300-$1,500

Pro Tip: Finding the right marketing partner can take 3-6 months, so consider freelancers or agencies as a temporary solution while searching for a long-term fit.